Thursday, September 26, 2013

Murder - Suicide in Michigan

WLNS TV 6 Lansing - Jackson | Your Local News Leader

One of the favorite pro-gun lines is that people who commit suicide are making a choice that they're entitled to make.  But what about the murder-suicides?  Do they count too?

What's your opinion?  Please leave a comment.


  1. The "deliverance" boys have nothing to say on this? Of course not!

  2. I haven't expressed the opinion that suicide is a right, but even if that is assumed as a right to do anything one wants to his or her own body, that logic itself would say that you do not have the right to take the life of another because they have the right to choose what to do with their body and life, and you do not.

    Seriously, Mike, this sarcastic remark is as asinine as they come.

    1. No, asinine would be be any remark by either one of the "deliverance" boys. Greg's as is waiting for you. Work it hard

    2. T., one of the points Greg and others have made about a person's right to commit suicide is that they should not be disarmed. You see the problem? Many of these suicidal gun owners also commit murder with their guns that, according to you guys, they have a god-given right to own.


    This states that murder-suicides are three percent of total suicides in a given year.

    Here, the Violence Policy Center agrees with the USAToday report.

    I'm not aware of three percent being called many. Then there's the idea that you have a magical suicide-in-the-future detector...

    1. See, the toothless grin deliverance boys only accept those polls and studies that back their thinking, otherwise polls and studies are fake and false. HA HA HA HA HA . Now there is trailer trash thinking.
