Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Ferguson Burning


A Missouri grand jury has decided not to indict Police Officer Darren Wilson for the Aug. 9 shooting of unarmed Ferguson teenager Michael Brown, St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Robert McCulloch said tonight.

McCulloch said that the grand jurors ruled that "no probable cause exists" to indict Wilson on any of the five possible charges that they were asked to consider. He said that the jury was "presented with five indictments" ranging from "murder in the first degree to involuntary manslaughter."

The prosecutor repeatedly stressed the physical evidence that the 12 jurors considered, saying that it "tells the accurate and tragic story of what happened."

"All 12 jurors were present for every session and all 12 jurors examined every piece of evidence," MuCulloch said, adding that the jurors are "the only people who have heard and examined every witness."


  1. Its unfortunate that these people have chosen to emulate the violence perpetrated by Michael Brown instead of the non violent civil disobedience displayed by MLK.


    1. That's funny when gun loons (like Kurt) say they will take arms against the government and then claim that action is the same as MLK, or Gandhi's peaceful protests against the government.

    2. Anon These people did not take up arms against the gov .. They willfully destroyed private and public property and robbed said property's.If you are unable or unwilling to understand this situation for what it is then perhaps you are one of the animals involved in last nights activitys.Michael Browns father incited the violence by calling for "Burn this bitch down" he should be held accountable for his actions..


    3. And Dorian Johnson . Michael Browns accomplice in robbing the market should be charged with Michaels murder.


    4. Two words: Obama voters.

      orlin sellers

    5. I agree that Michael Brown's step-father should have been held accountable for what he said. Inciting to riot might have been an appropriate charge. But, how do you get charging Dorian with murder?

    6. Anyone involved in a crime that results in the death of someone - even a partner in the crime - can be charged with murder for the death of the person even if they are not the ones that actually killed the person.

    7. This is the behavior of criminal thinkers like Kurt. Don't like government decisions we must all live by, then take to violence and guns against the government. I would think you gun loons like Kurt would be supporting the people burning Ferguson. They are just criminals like you guys.

    8. "But, how do you get charging Dorian with murder?" in most states and im not 100% sure about MO you can be charged with the death of an accomplice if that death occurs during the commission of the crime or while fleeing the scene of the crime and since they were fleeing the scene of their crime when they were approached by Darren Wilson, Dorian Johnson should be charged, perhaps not murder but some level of manslaughter. And also the strong arm robbery of the Ferguson Market. Will it happen.. of course it wont


    9. That sounds like a stretch to say Brown was killed while fleeing the other scene thereby involving his accomplice. I thought they were two separate scenes.

  2. Let the peaceful protesters be, and shoot the looters and anyone throwing Molotov cocktails.

  3. Both the no-bill decision by the grand jury and the ensuing violence as a result of that decision aren't a surprise. The decision is based on both physical evidence and witnesses.

    1. To bad master liar you don't understand the job of the prosecutor enough to know how bad a job the prosecutor did.

  4. Well, I suppose the "protestors" have found a way to beat the problem of the cold interfering with their "activism"--if you set everything on fire, it can get nice and cozy, at least for a while.

    1. We have a winner - dumbest comment.

    2. Enlighten us, then, O Wise One, what's "dumb" about it?

    3. Kurt is always the winner of dumbest comment.

  5. Certain places celebrate and/or protest in the same fashion. If the decision had gone the other way, the reaction and outcome would have yielded the same result. That the way they be.

    orlin sellers
