Monday, February 13, 2012

Captain Beefheart Festival 2011-2012 - 4th Night of the Living Van Vliet

Here's the explanation of the origin and the dates.

Thanks to Microdot for the title of the Festival.

Zen Comix has joined the festivities.

Gimme that harp boy
Ain't no fat man's toy

You hear what he is saying
You hear he's saying today
harp cry harp smiling
Shiny moon white note
Give me room
Ain't no time to Rock no boat gimme room

Harp sing time and playin ohm....

Gimme harp this harp harp this harp bite
harp this harp kiss harp money
Gimme that harp boy don't just stand around
Gon' blow pure joy -girl you wear this crown

Gimme that harp boy gimme that harp girl
Gimme that harp girl gimme that harp boy
Harp string harp ring
harp toke harp smoke
Harp float harp broke


  1. Hey, Mikeb, who do I thank for deleting my posts and not publishing others?
    orlin sellers

    1. Our commenting policy is to publish everything as soon as we can. The delete button is not used except in extreme cases.

    2. You policy may be that. I suggest that you open your eyes to what's going on with the others.

  2. I don't know, man. I'll try to find out.

    1. Look into mine at the same time. I suspect that Dog Gone is being oppositional since you changed your comment system, but she has always treated my comments as second class.

  3. Great tune! I'd never heard this before, and that's one of the things I love about "festivals". Somebody always has something new to me.
