Monday, November 5, 2012

The Issue of Gun Control and Mass Shootings


  1. So the child and the man from My Name Is Earl, ironically bearing the name of a brand of gun, tell us that they don't trust the government, know that gun control doesn't prevent gun violence, and don't know the answer, but want gun control anyway. Well, all right then.

    1. Yeah, that was my take also. Very convincing argument Mike!

    2. Yep, this is probably the bulk sentiment of those who answer a Luntz poll in favor of more control.


  2. The guy with the ‘stache says these incidents “seem” to be increasing… (but they are not).

    Did you catch their definition of a “mass shooting”? “The discharge of a firearm into an unarmed group of people”. I know an easy way to fix that.

  3. Who cares what these man boys say? Why doesn't he go fucking get his eyebrows waxed and stop talking about shit he has no clue about. FOAD losers.
