Thursday, September 2, 2010

CA Open Carry Ban Rejected

I guess this one is considered a big victory for the gun rights folks. What I never understood is why. Why would someone want to open carry in California, I mean besides annoying the customers at Starbucks? Is there a practical reason?


  1. The most practical reason is to be a constant reminder of how hard the state of California has made it to get a concealed carry permit.

  2. I don't understand why people feel the need to carry at all -- open or concealed. Oh I know this is MURKA and you have a RAHHT TO BEAR ARMS BY GAWD and yada yada but beyond that I don't see the need.

    I think it's the constant fear porn our shovels at us 24/7.

  3. MikeB: “Why would someone want to open carry in California…”

    Because you can’t carry concealed. No, it is not a “big victory”, but rather not anther loss in a long line of losses for CA gun rights. Nothing was gained.

  4. Almost correct. Nothing was gained, but momentum. If CA can't get an outright ban on openly carrying a firearm, it shows the absolute lack of teeth the gun grabbers have.

  5. Right AztecRed, a constant reminder. That's a real practical reason.
