Anyhoo, four of these Moms Demand Action women had the temerity to have lunch in Texas. This prompted about 40 white fat or underdeveloped males to bring their penis substitutes to the restaurant parking lot to wait for these four very dangerous moms.
Gunloons must be so proud.
I think I'll be having some big fun with Open Carry Texas.
Here's an interesting thought experiment: suppose 40 black guys wearing hoodies and baseball caps askew showed up carrying guns at the neighborhood Applebees?
ReplyDeleteI'll bet there'd be no shortage of SWAT teams rushing to the scene.
Well Jade, you have actually created a honest junk-measuring competition. If the political-puppets where as blunt as you, all of Washington would line up with their pants down and armed with yardsticks to figure out who will be in charge. They try and be discreet about it, but there's no fun in that.
DeleteHere's an interesting thought experiment: suppose 40 black guys wearing hoodies and baseball caps askew showed up carrying guns at the neighborhood Applebees?
DeleteWell since the 40 black guys are know for lack of impulse control and as a group on average would be composed of more fellons, the police should show up. And do their job.
That's what the police are paid for right, keeping a brother down.
See what happens when your citizens are overfed. They get rebellious when they have excess food.
ReplyDelete"This prompted about 40 white fat or underdeveloped males to bring their penis substitutes to the restaurant parking lot to wait for these four very dangerous moms."
ReplyDeleteJade, I think you should try to actually look at the photos before you write about them. I also seem to recall this photo being in either the posting or the original article, but now its gone. Here is a link for it.
Maybe my math needs work, but does anyone count more than about twenty people? That's counting women and kids, but not the Hooters waitresses.
Though in fairness, perhaps the person counting the armed folk was the same person who counts the staggering numbers of people who show up at the MAIG demonstrations, that are kept secret till the last minute.
Your government is feeding you too much.
DeleteI still see the picture in Jadegold's post.
DeleteIs the exact count important? Obviously, the picture taken might not capture all the demonstrators, but even if it does, what about the main point? Showing up "en masse" at a gathering of the Moms is pretty shabby behavior, don't you think? It's intimidation and harassment. And most of all, like all open-carry demonstrations, it's just stupid.
Jade tends to cling to stereotypes so tightly that details like the presence of women and children get overlooked, along with the not being able to count thing.
DeleteAs for counting, considering that they seemed to all get in a group to get their picture taken, that's a tough one to sell.
You have yet to remark on the despicable bullying bullshit they were up to. Do you approve of it?
DeleteMike, I'm not an open carry kind of guy. As we've seen in other open carry events you have posted, the police are very quick to step on any perceived misbehavior by making arrests and letting a judge sort it out later. Which would mean that the only thing this group did was gather in public and exercise their rights to free speech. That includes speech that might be unpleasant to the listener.
DeleteSome examples of this might be the Occupy movement, slut walks, prolife demonstrations, etc. The "Moms" made the decision to enter the debate with their eyes open. And now they seem to be capitalizing on the poor defenseless mommy meme.
While it isn't my brand of speech, I have to support it since if I want to restrict speech, eventually, someone might decide my brand of speech is the next to go.
"the police are very quick to step on any perceived misbehavior by making arrests and letting a judge sort it out later."
DeleteThat's whining exaggerated bullshit. Usually, the cops waste their time determining that no laws are being broken and leave the idiot demonstrators to do their thing. Arrests are rare and are usually the result of one of the idiots striving to become a martyr.
....these coddled nanie-state mommies that you just don't stand by and allow you rights to be taken away by popular opinion......
ReplyDeleteSo would you be ok if it was reversed? If it was a membership meeting for Open Carry Texas, and Moms Demand Action showed up in numbers to protest them? If you are ok with that, but not with this, then this is just your bigotry talking.
ReplyDelete"So would you be ok if it was reversed?"
DeleteWhy certainly Jim, as long as you throw in the word peacefully before the protest. Though the antigun groups seem to have issues with being able to get people to show up.
Agreed. They also seem to think that the OCT protest was not peaceful, just by the presence of legally carried firearms. As I said, their bigotry is showing.
DeleteWe can always rely on Jade to be a clown. Most of the men in that photograph are of healthy weight, and all of them are wearing pants. But then, he declares that Moms Demand Disarmament is a group pushing common sense, so we can't expect rationality from him.
ReplyDeleteThis is what they don't want you to see....
That changes nothing. I didn't think they were getting ready to confront anyone. It's their presence at the Mom's get-together that is objectionable. The mere presence of armed men is what's offensive and tacitly threatening. They know it, that's why they do it.
DeleteSo is it objectionable and threatening when a group of on duty police officers go into a restaurant for lunch?
DeleteOnly a true statist would call the peaceful exercise of one's rights a threat.
DeleteYes, indeed, a group of on-duty cops in a restaurant is threatening. That's exactly what they do open-carry for.
DeleteMike, I found an article that fleshes out this event out a bit and might provide a bit more clarity. A nice example of how camera angle can be all important.
ReplyDelete"As one might expect, none of this is quite true. For a start, the picture above is deeply misleading. As one Twitter user showed me, the group was, in fact, posing for a picture. (UPDATE: This Facebook page suggests that it was Moms Demand Action that took both pictures!)"
The headline told me everything I need to know about the maturity of the author.
ReplyDeleteIt doesn't take people long to figure Jadegold out.
DeleteYou don't just stand by and do nothing when people are dying, especially when you could stop some of those deaths.
ReplyDeleteYou mean that we could pretend to do something, while violating the rights of millions.
DeleteWhat right is violated?
DeleteTo stop some of the deaths would not take away a right to buy, own, carry, or use a gun.
Then what are you talking about, Anonymous? Requiring inserting a safety brochure in the gun case?
DeleteJust talking sensible gun control, which would stop deaths, but not violate gun rights. You are talking about doing nothing.
DeleteSo sensible means something that you don't want to tell us about? Do we have to pass it before we get to read it?
DeleteThis from the guy who promotes violence and lawlessness. I saw the comments Steve posted, that you wrote. You have no leg to stand on since you promote breaking the law. What did I propose that you claim is violating the law? Nothing. On with your lies.
DeleteAnonymous, you've proposed nothing at all. You just claimed to support "sensible gun control," without saying what that means.
DeleteI'm still waiting for you to define your statement, "while violating the rights of millions." I have no idea what you are talking about.
DeleteAs usual, no response from Greg.
DeleteThis story is getting interesting with some members of OCT suggest that one of the MOMs actually came out and took a photo of the posed group of open carriers. The MOMs are denying it, and in some stories did call the police but were told that just being there wasn't grounds to arrest someone open carrying.