Monday, October 15, 2012

Chuck Norris - Evangelical Drama Queen

via Addicting Info 


  1. R U Stuupid? Run Forest Run!!!

    1. Anonymous, you're just like a whiny five-year-old child: boring.

  2. This is nothing but a plea to keep the status quo and to get out and vote for more of the same.

    orlin sellers

  3. "This is nothing but a plea to keep the status quo and to get out and vote for more of the same."

    orlon zipper once again demonstrates his keen grasp of obvliviousness.

    Chuck Noise. Whatever happened to that ReiKKKwinger philosophy that actors, singers and other celebrities should just keep their pieholes shut on the subject of politics? Oh, that's right, IOKIYAR.

    1. You found some time to abuse English again?

    2. You must be one of the imbeciles who think there is a difference between Candidate A & Candidate B. In other words, you won't be doing anything useful on Election Day, like washing your car, baking a cake, or cleaning your toilet.

      orlin sellers

    3. I'm disappointed in Obama, and I agree that all politicians are self-serving liars, nevertheless there's a big difference between these two. Obama may be a little disappointing on matters such as the perpetual wars and gun control, but Romney is a total disaster.
