The Mirror
R. Lee Ermey has sparked outrage after posting these sickening snaps of him with lions he shot.
The gun-toting actor, voice of little soldier Sarge in the classic children’s movie, proudly poses by the bodies of a male and female gunned down in an African hunt.
Ermey – who found fame as sadistic Gunnery Sergeant Hartman in 1987 Vietnam film Full Metal Jacket – had boasted of killing “Cape Buffalo, lion, lioness and wildebeest” on previous trips to Africa.
Animal rights’ group Peta branded the 69-year-old, nicknamed Gunny, cowardly and cruel after he posted the pictures on Facebook.
A spokesman said: “It takes no courage to stalk and kill animals. Lions are treated as living targets for the arrogant and ignorant with more money that morals.
“Most people are appalled at someone like this man gunning down animals for a thrill, a trophy or a souvenir photograph. ”
Actually, a lot of people find PETA to be a laughingstock. I'm fond of cats, myself, so I don't see hunting lions in my future, but I don't have a problem with those who do hunt them legally.
ReplyDeleteWhat do you kill?
DeleteAs usual, no response from the lying criminal coward
DeleteAnonymous, when you are worth responding to, I'll do it.
DeleteYou have spent weeks denying and making up shit to avoid answering questions. I'd say that effort meant it was important to you.
Now tell why you said, "revenge is justice?"
You love killing.
DeleteSee a psychiatrist and get help.
This didn't fly well when they tried to give a woman who did the same thing a hard time. Keep in mind, these big cats are normally taken at under 100 yards. If you miss, how quickly do you think that now very angry lion will be up in your face?
ReplyDeleteWhat do you mean about the woman who did the same thing?
DeleteDo you really think the lion hunters and other big game hunters are putting their lives on the line? I doubt that very much.
This woman.
Delete"It comes months after a TV wildlife presenter faced a barrage of criticism after posing with a lion she claimed to have shot during a hunt in South Africa.
Melissa Bachman - who presents American hunting show Winchester Deadly Passion - posted a picture on her Facebook account which showed her holding a gun and smiling next to the apparently dead male lion.
The image was posted along with the message: "An incredible day hunting in South Africa! Stalked inside 60-yards on this beautiful male lion... What a hunt!"
But the photograph led to a storm of criticism online, with the presenter branded "heartless" and "shameful"."
Aren't the same folks giving Ermey a hard time? I certainly think he's heartless and shameful.
DeleteThe typical reaction of what Jeff Cooper called rabbit people.
DeleteI wonder what lion tastes like?
ReplyDeleteJared Diamond, the author of Guns, Germs, and Steel, said they're tasty, but that keeping a lion around for food isn't a wise idea.
DeleteThe need to hunt for food, is no longer a necessity. These guys kill for the fun of it. That's a mental problem, that can be fixed with proper treatment.
DeleteBoth of your statements are false. Plenty of people on this planet need to hunt for food, and some of them live here in America. Also, hunting for enjoyment is not a mental problem.
DeleteKilling for fun, is a mental problem. Since you have that mental problem, no surprise you don't think you have a problem. Same scenario for drinking, drugs, being a racist, an antisemite, etc. The last one to know they have a problem, is the one with the problem.
DeleteIn the US, the percentage of hunters who need to do it to feed the family is so small we can forget about it. Greg, loves to point out how small a percentage of gun owners kill kids each year in a feeble attempt at denying that problem, but now, defending hunters he's trying to protect an equally small percentage. That makes him a despicable hypocrite. Hunting is sick, it's not as bad as killing kids with guns, but it's still sick. Greg defends both.
DeleteMikeb, you're lying again. I do not defend killing children. I do defend hunting.
DeleteHad this talk with the site lying criminal and his NRA gun loons before. They said hunting was not killing. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
DeleteThese are the kind of lying criminal cowards that promote death. Death of children and animals.
Greg was the one who said it was perfectly fine to beat people up because of the condition of our society.
DeleteNow that's criminal thinking.
Here Anonymous makes two more lies. I distinguished hunting animals from murdering humans. You're welcome to prove otherwise. I never said it was fine to beat up "people." You're welcome to prove otherwise. But give proof, not more lies or claims without evidence.
DeleteGreg Camp September 9, 2013 at 4:45 PM
DeleteIn an ideal world, beating up someone is the wrong action, but we don't live in an ideal world, and I have more feeling for the friend struggling with addiction than I do for the dealer.
Next lie.
I did not make both comments, the other anon can speak to your other lie
DeleteThis is why "Anonymous" is a bad category, since it's difficult to tell who's talking to whom. However, I do recall the conversation that you abstracted that quotation from. I said that I understood the actions of a retired soldier who went after a drug dealer who was poisoning his friend--not with a gun, by the way. That is a world of difference from saying that I support beating up "people." And this also shows why you must post URLs to make a valid argument, since you took this out of context in an effort to make it into something that it's not. That's called a lie.
DeleteThe criminal lying coward lies again. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
DeleteHe did not say what he said. HA HA HA HA HA
You and your lying buddies caused the problem by naming me Steve when you knew who Steve was and I did not. It was a joke on your part, but now you now have to live with the consequences.
Don't be such a lying criminal coward and you won't get in these predicaments.
Anonymous, you could show right here my comment if it exists, but I'm telling you that it doesn't. Provide us a link to the actual statement, if you can do so. Otherwise, you are lying.
DeleteRight, like posting all your other comments and then you say you never said it.
DeleteNo thanks I'm enjoying you making a lying criminal coward of yourself
At least Anonymous put a by-line this time.
DeleteSo when are you going to respond to your criminal comments as Steve has asked for months, and all you can do is be a coward and ask for a URL?
DeleteI insist on URLs because I don't trust Steve to quote things accurately or to provide the context of the discussion. He's the one who refuses to back up his claims with proof. When he meets my condition, I will discuss any comment he names. But I won't play his games.
DeleteHe posted YOUR OWN WORDS coward.
DeleteIt's your turn to prove him wrong.
No response from the coward, figures.
DeleteWhat do you hunt?
ReplyDeleteI actually met the resident lion king at the San Diego Zoo last summer in the back cage area. Sorry but he had an African name I can't remember. I was between three and five feet away from that magnificent beast. The keeper explained that we were all guests in his house. He was a nice host. Pacing slowly and non-threateningly. Looking straight at us with great calm. I got some nice photos. With the mane, his head looks as big as a buffalo. An enlightened creature. Deep wonder in his eyes. His wife was there too. I think I made her growl a little bit by horsing around too much. Unforgettable. It's simple to understand how lions have represented kings and deities throughout our history.
ReplyDeleteImagine wanting to shoot one with a gun.
DeleteOutrage when poachers shoot animals: Barely anything
ReplyDeleteOutrage when some westerner goes and legally shoots one: Frothing mad outrage
Only an idiot would care whether or not it was legal.
DeleteHunting is a basic human activity. It's part of who we are, and that's not idiotic.
DeleteThe urge to kill is stronger in some than others. Greg the criminal lying coward, loves to kill.
DeleteKind of related and tying in with the earlier post about Shannon Watts complaining about death threats:
I don’t doubt that when you reach a lot of people you find some angry ones, but the gun control side seems to like to play it up and relish in a victim role, as well as use it to generalize their opponents as dangerous. I wonder if she called the police or FBI like this hunting club did? That’s a good mark of it being serious, vs. just using it for political gain.
Likewise, it's clear Steve doesn’t think Greg made actual threats otherwise he would have called the police.
How full of shit are you? I have no idea who he is, or wher he lives, or I would have.
DeleteNext scum ass hole lying criminal coward lie.
Of course you don't know. But the police can find that out by looking up the incident.
DeleteSo... call them.
But you also think Greg knows who he is? How is it a legitimate threat if Greg has no idea who he is or where he lives?
DeleteI'm getting lost in all these accusations against me. Whom did I threaten and what did I threaten to do, again? Could you provide proof, say a link to the actual threat?
DeleteI have to agree, TS, you are a little bit full of shit in this one. You pro-gun guys are the ones who play the victim. I invented a phrase to describe it, grandiose victimism. The government is trying to take our guns away, Obama is after our guns, tyranny is really possible, registration leads to confiscation, and on and on.
DeleteActually, Mikeb, we're not victims. We stand up. Victimhood is the favorite mode of the left, who then propose lots of spending and regulation to maintain people in their victimhood.
DeleteThose are much different situations than death threats. My point with that link is that when someone likes to claim their life was threatened, but they didn't bother to report it to the police, it most likely means it's not legitimate, but they are looking for political gain or revel in the victim role. I'm wondering if Shannon Watts ever called the police. We know Steve hasn't.
DeleteMy life was never threatened
DeleteNext lie.
The lying criminal coward said he would hunt down a drug dealer with his gun, even though the guy had done nothing to Greg.
The lying cowards own words prove him to be a lying criminal coward, and he refuses to respond with anything but URL. HA HA HA HA HA HA.
TS is full of shit, and he knows it.
Next lies.
These are the two cowardly liars who said verbal threats are not a crime. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
No liar, your buddy the criminal lying coward said HE knew who the drug dealer was.
DeleteI never said I knew who the drug dealer was.
Next lie.
You hillbillies really think lying proves you correct, figures, for lying criminal cowards.
Gee, you better hurry up and call the police to save this guy if Greg is hunting him and knows who he is. Time is a factor. You don't need to know who he is. Just point the police to Greg's comments. They can look up the incident and take it over from there. Don't be a hero, let the police do their job.
DeleteAnonymous, you're lying. I never said that I would go after a drug dealer with my gun. You're welcome to prove otherwise.
DeleteAlready did ass hole site lying criminal coward.
DeleteAs with all liars, you refused to respond, for months now. Instead you play cowardly childish games, which the site author has pointed out many times.
Next lie.