Jerome Hauer, New York State commissioner of The Division of Homeland Security & Emergency Services addresses members of the media at the Capitol on Thursday, Aug. 23, 2012 in Albany, NY, as members of the administration gave an update on the recovery efforts following Hurricane Irene a year ago. (Paul Buckowski / Times Union)
The Times Union
Jerome M. Hauer, Gov. Andrew Cuomo's director of homeland security, took out his handgun and used the laser sighting device attached to the barrel as a pointer in a presentation to a foreign delegation, according to public officials. It happened Oct. 24 in Albany at the highly secure state emergency operations center below State Police headquarters.
These officials, one of whom claimed to be an eyewitness, said that three Swedish emergency managers in the delegation were rattled when the gun's laser tracked across one of their heads before Hauer found the map of New York, at which he wanted to point.
Hauer, commissioner of the Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services, was disabled by a stroke a few years ago and can be unsteady. He isn't a law enforcement official. He carries the loaded 9-millimeter Glock in a holster into state buildings, an apparent violation of state law barring state employees from bringing weapons to the workplace, several witnesses say.Link provided by ssgmarkcr with the following comment:
Here is another careless permit holder who, while acting recklessly, didn't hurt anyone. And worse yet, he's a government official.Actually, I wouldn't have considered this reckless idiot a concealed carry permit holder. But, I suppose it's fair to do so. Just like his civilian counterparts, he gets special treatment and gets away with all kinds of violations.
What do you think? Please leave a comment.
"He isn't a law enforcement official. He carries the loaded 9-millimeter Glock in a holster into state buildings, an apparent violation of state law barring state employees from bringing weapons to the workplace, several witnesses say."
ReplyDeleteAs the article says, he isn't a licensed police officer. And its likely, being New York, that his permits doesn't allow him to carry in government buildings. However, he's the head of State Homeland Security, so no one seems to imagine that he isn't allowed, even if they bother to check.
And then he pulls this stunt. I wonder what Cuomo will do. Can you imagine how the foreign officials felt knowing that someone was pointing at them with a firearm? Most "regular/civilian" permit holders know if they have to draw their firearm all kinds of hell will result, making them justify their decision. This guy uses his pistol to clarify his PowerPoint presentation.
This brings a whole new meaning to a term used in the Army for a boring class called, "Death by PowerPoint"
military humor, cute
DeleteHe should be taken down a peg or two.
DeleteThis genius is in charge of homeland security for New York? Now do you see why I distrust government?
ReplyDeleteOne persons idiocy causes you to distrust government?
Delete"One persons idiocy causes you to distrust government?"
DeletePeople on the side of advocating for gun rights are often told that we either don't really need guns or shouldn't have them because we have the police and military to protect us. And that those self same protectors are much better trained and responsible.
Mike posts incidences of irresponsible gun use to highlight his belief that gun owners are a bigger danger to themselves and others than any perceived threat we may encounter.
In this case, one of those government officials, acquired a carry permit and seems to have broken both legal and dare I say it, "common sense" safety rules by using a loaded firearm as a laser pointer for a presentation for foreign officials, which likely made quite an impression on them. As an aside, perhaps Mike can tell us if this made the news overseas, and what light it was put in.
This article, shows that the government that is supposed to be more professional and knowledgeable isn't necessarily all that. Some might say that this is an isolated event in the our large pool of "protectors". But gun rights advocates also use the same argument are ridiculed.
I didn't see this on any Italian or European news, but I don't spend too much time watching them. What does make it over here is the frequent mass shootings and an occasional general interest story.
DeleteTelling that you answer questions meant for Greg. Why do you do that?
DeleteMike posts multiple times a day, every day.
DeleteThis is one incident.
Your comparison doesn't hold water and only agrees with Greg's paranoia.
Anonymous, most of the time I don't find your comments worth responding to.
DeleteI know. I've been waiting months for you to respond to my proof that you are a lying criminal coward. Nothing. Typical for a lying criminal coward. But thanks for confirming what I said about you, is correct.
DeleteSteve, whenever you're ready to post a comment with a URL to the source, I'll discuss it with you. That's such a simple requirement, but you refuse to do it. My guess is that you either can't or you don't want to be shown for the liar you are.
DeleteI already posted multiple comments by you (your own words) that prove you are a lying criminal coward.
DeleteUse any defense you want.
Thanks for proving me correct, yet, again.
Next lie.
No, Steve, you posted what you claimed were my comments, but you gave no URL to the source and you took those comments out of context. When you're ready to discuss things in a valid way, let me know.
DeleteI know as a lying criminal coward you deny those were your words, that's why I quoted you directly.
DeleteNext lie.
Lets let everyone know again,
DeleteAnonymousNovember 6, 2013 at 10:43 AM
Greg's statements on ignoring, breaking the law:
Greg Camp November 4, 2013 at 2:39 AM
When the law is unjust, it is no law at all. Home invasions are a violation of privacy, and yes, I call these actions invasions, "legal" or not.
So you decide which laws you will follow, or not? Sounds like breaking the law to me.
Greg Camp October 5, 2013 at 5:56 PM
Mine gets carried concealed. And yes, if I ever have occasion to go to Starbucks, it will be with me.
This was after Starbucks asked their customers to leave their guns at home. Seems another example that Greg will defy anyone's rules and regulations.
Greg Camp October 8, 2013 at 6:31 AM
I think the United States should invade California and impose regime change on that failed state.
I'd say that's a promotion for breaking the law.
Greg Camp October 5, 2013 at 5:54 PM
Stupid rules require increasing cleverness to circumvent.
Seems he's actively looking for ways to break the rule of law.
Anonymous September 8, 2013 at 3:52 PM
Some people would call assaulting a drug dealer civic minded.
Greg Camp September 8, 2013 at 5:17 PM
I would call it a thug assaulting another person. Call the cops.
Greg Camp September 9, 2013 at 4:45 PM
In an ideal world, beating up someone is the wrong action, but we don't live in an ideal world, and I have more feeling for the friend struggling with addiction than I do for the dealer.
It would be one thing if this happened in front of you, but you said you would go looking for him. Doesn't sound like a law abiding citizen to me.
Greg Camp August 30, 2013 at 8:07 AM
I've said it before: He should be given a lethal injection of boiling lard.
That's not what the law prescribes. Greg has his own ideas.
Greg Camp August 27, 2013 at 8:27 AM
Revenge is justice. This man is a traitor and a terrorist. He deserves a far more gruesome death than our law allows.
Going outside the law to get his bloody revenge. Revenge is not justice.
Greg Camp August 20, 2013 at 5:53 PM
When the law makes no sense by banning or restricting something that should not be covered by law, good people don't expect such foolishness or resist the violation. The responsibility lies with the criminal legislators and executives who push these laws in the first place.
Blame the people. They elected these criminals into office. You change law in a civil society, not ignore, or break it.
These kind of statements can only be read as the author having disregard for the law, promoting illegal acts, and clearly stating he would participate in such illegal behavior.
Your words with date and time
You LOSE lying criminal coward ass hole.
Since you still refuse to provide a link to the original comment in its location, you aren't proving anything. When you're ready to do that, I'll answer anything you want to ask about. Date and time aren't citations. You have to give the web address--the URL--for the quotation.
DeleteMy reason for insisting on this is that I recall these conversations, and I can see that you're distorting them by omission, among other things.
You may win the stubbornness contest, Greg, but you're protestations are obvious evasions.
DeleteI don't have to do shit.
DeleteI have used your own words
You have to defend your own words
I proved you are a lying criminal coward
You use whatever you want to explain your own words, but you don't, because you cannot, because you are a lying criminal coward
Mikeb, when the trolls pull things out of context, that removes the subject of the conversation. And since they repeatedly misquote what I and others have said, I don't trust them to quote accurately. I will address any comment that anyone wants to discuss, but I insist on doing it in a reasonable manner. How is that too hard?
DeleteYou're full of it, Greg.
DeleteYes, he is full of it.
DeleteGo ahead Greg, prove me wrong.
Use whatever you claim I left out and prove you did not say these words.
Then explain how these statements are not promoting criminal acts.
Then explain how revenge is justice,
Then explain how it's ok to beat people up because of the state of our society.
Then explain how circumventing the law, is NOT criminal.
Greg is a hillbilly kill loving ass hole.
DeleteHe says hunting is not killing. HA HA HA HA
I have no doubt he really believes what he said.
I have no doubt that he is a criminal. Just read the comments above.
Steve, you're the one who is making claims here. You have to provide proof, and you have to do so in a way that we all can see the accuracy of the quotation and its context.
DeleteI'm not playing your game. I will answer questions when you use a valid method of discussion.
Yes, the lying criminal coward calls quoting his own words, playing games. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
DeleteMaybe SS, or TS would like to answer those questions?
Then explain how these statements are not promoting criminal acts.
Then explain how revenge is justice,
Then explain how it's ok to beat people up because of the state of our society.
Then explain how circumventing the law, is NOT criminal.
You answer questions I ask Greg, which he refuses to answer, but you refuse to state what you think of Greg's actual words, lets here your answers, or are you going to be cowards like Greg and refuse to answer on his same childish, immature, game playing URL crap and his other cowardly excuses.
Waiting to here from you cowards. .
Big surprise, none of the cowards have anything to say.
DeleteSteve, I've named my conditions. I'll discuss any comments you care to name when you provide a link to the original source. No amount of name-calling or lies will get me to change that. You may rant and rave all you want, but I'm not giving in. All you have to do is provide URLs to the comments you'd like to address. But until you do that, I'm not playing your game.
DeleteTake your childish cowardly conditions and shove them up your lying coward ass. You won't respond because you cannot. You are proven to be a lying criminal ass hole, now live with it. You are the one playing a game. All I did was reprint your own words. I love how your cowardly response proves me correct and just confirms that you are the ass hole lying criminal coward I say you are.
DeleteBy LOSER.
And still no response from the other liars, figures.
DeleteSteve gives us a by-line with his real name.
DeleteGreg the site lying coward gives us clear reasons why he is the site lying criminal coward. Thanks.
DeleteIt only proves me correct about you, that you use these lying criminal cowardly excuses to not explain your criminal statements. Thanks.
DeleteNo doubt the idiot's gun was loaded. Were there others carrying in the crowd? If so, they would be within their right to fire at a person aiming a gun at them, and the article said that's exactly what the idiot did, as they ducked his laser.
DeleteThis took place in a state with very restrictive gun laws and as the article says, state law prohibits those with carry permits from entering with their firearms. Who exactly would return fire?
Yeah, he should try that shit in Texas.
DeleteThis idiot should not have been allowed to have his gun on him. Are you saying it's simply not possible that anyone else in the room would have a gun they should not have had?
DeleteNo response from the coward, figures.
DeleteOk, Anon, lets do the what if game. What if someone with one of those fairly rare carry permits decides to carry it into the "highly secure state emergency operations center below State Police headquarters".
DeleteWant to bet that it is posted for no carry, and has controlled access? Want to bet that attempting to carry into this facility is likely a felony?
First I think you misunderstand the mindset of someone with a carry permit. We aren't acting out a western itching to try out our quick draw skills. This guy was pretty obviously a dumb-ass using a loaded firearm like that. But its the dumb-ass that owns the room in this case. His facility, so someone with a permit who illegally carries into this meeting is unlikely to draw.
Which only proves the need to ban all guns, because stupid ass holes like you and Greg will never disappear from society. Let him point with a knife. Mike's blog (and he's only one of thousands) proves humans cannot be trusted with deadly weapons.
DeleteAt least Anonymous admits to the real goal of gun control freaks.
DeleteI admit that since you gun loons cannot stop killing 33,000 people a year then we must take your toys away, just like any other immature child who cannot play well with others.
Delete"First I think you misunderstand the mindset of someone with a carry permit. We aren't acting out a western itching to try out our quick draw skills."
DeleteWell, you obviously don't speak for all permit holders. Some of them are exactly what you say they're not. The fat Arizonan just yesterday, for one.
Mikeb, you don't know yet what the circumstances are in that story from Arizona, so you can't count that was a bad act by someone carrying a gun legally.
DeleteTTAG posted that the guy has been charged, so I guess "I told you so" is in order.
DeleteBeing charged doesn't mean that he is guilty.
DeleteYou're right. Keep defending any and every idiot gun owner who does wrong. And blame it on the innocent until proven guilty policy that you love so much - at least when it's convenient to your argument.
DeleteThat's criminal thinking, blame the innocent.
DeleteMikeb, unlike you, I'm willing to see the evidence. The man in Arizona may or may not have done the right thing or the wrong thing. But contrary to your beliefs, prosecutors aren't friendly as a rule to armed citizens. Charging him isn't the same thing as proving that he's guilty of a crime.
DeleteTell me this: In what other areas are you willing to dispense with due process?
Where did I indicate I want to dispense with due process, liar?
DeleteAnd he wonders why he earned the moniker, ass hole criminal lying coward.
What a lying fuck head.
Mikeb, you regularly declare people to have committed crimes when all the evidence isn't available or the investigation isn't even finished. The man in Arizona is one example.
Delete"Which only proves the need to ban all guns"
ReplyDeleteWell, this does definitely clarify where you stand on the issue.......
Exactly! None of this cowardly lying criminal bullshit like we get from you and your criminal lying coward ass hole buddy. Try being honestly clear sometime, but I doubt it is in your coward character.
Delete"Jerome Hauer, commissioner of the New York Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services, comes to work with a handgun regularly, if not every day. Officials with the Governor's Office of Employee Relations were not saying if there is a waiver that allows a state employee who is not a law enforcement officer, like Ryan and Hauer, to carry a weapon.
ReplyDeleteThe situations at the two agencies suggest that state officials may selectively enforce workplace policies. "
So this have happened before with Hauer and at least one other employee. So it isn't exactly a secret to the administration and the police.
"highly secure state emergency operations center below State Police headquarters".
DeleteThinking on the article I just referenced, the fact that employees seem to be brining in firearms more often than previously thought and repeatedly at that, I'll have to agree with Anon in that there might be more concern than previously suggested in the first article.
Unfortunately, due to the secretive nature of union arbitration, no one seems to be sharing much information about the circumstances. I still believe that he has stayed out of jail and kept his job so far due to his position as head of this state level department.
At least the other guy was suspended, though he doesn't seem to have a problem showing up unannounced.
I just found an update on this event,
ReplyDelete"Officials at the meeting said “that three Swedish emergency managers in the delegation were rattled when the gun’s laser tracked across one of their heads before Hauer found the map of New York, at which he wanted to point,” according to the Times Union.
State law, however, explicitly bans state workers from bringing guns to the workplace, which Hauer apparently did frequently. Reporters began asking questions about Hauer’s habit of carrying his gun to work, only to be stonewalled by the Cuomo administration.
On Wednesday, the Times Union learned that Hauer had received a waiver allowing him to carry a handgun to work. The waiver was issued only four days after they ran the story about Hauer using the laser sight as a pointer.
“Despite the lack of a waiver before January, several witnesses said he has been carrying a gun on the job since Cuomo appointed him in 2011,” the Times Union reported."
"In an email to TheDC early Thursday evening, Jerome Hauer personally disputed the Times Union’s story, insisting that only an administrative rule prevents state employees from carrying guns to work, and that he has been granted a waiver. He also says he’s never owned a 9-millimeter Glock."
Can we say damage control?
He should have been fired and stripped of his gun rights. But, as you say, they're covering it up with damage control. He's untouchable.