Ionia residents James Pullum, 43, and Robert Taylor, 56, were pronounced dead at Sparrow Ionia Hospital soon after they engaged in a shootout with each other, according to the Ionia Department of Public Safety.
Police responded to reports of shots fired just before 7 p.m. at Wonder Wand Car Wash in the 400 block of South Steele Street.
An initial police investigation showed the men turned into the car wash's parking lot after a road rage incident, authorities said. They reportedly exited their vehicles, drew handguns and exchanged fire.
The men were discovered by police at the scene with gunshot wounds.
They both held permits to carry concealed weapons.
Didn't InstaCracker, Glenn Harlan Reynolds once assure us an "armed society is a polite society?"
So, we have these two NRA douchenozzles--who have problems driving--decide they're going to 'show' the other who's
boss only to find out each other have guns. Darwinism takes over.
Look, despite what gunloons tell you, CCW is not about rights or self-defense. It's about enforcing your beliefs on others.
And I think we can put the myth about CCW holders being "law-abiding"--turns out one of the NRA douchenozzles liked to have a few while carrying around his manhood surrogate.
Not one mention of either of them being NRA members. Why must you lie in every post?
ReplyDeleteInstaCracker huh?
ReplyDeleteSo are all racial terms in fair play now, or just ones regarding whites?
DeleteKindly don't let your white hood chafe your red neck over the term 'cracker.' It's about as racist as 'red neck' or 'trailer trash.'
See: "http://www.npr.org/blogs/codeswitch/2013/07/01/197644761/word-watch-on-crackers"
Ah, so since I note that you used a racial slur (regardless of how inoffensive you think it is) suddenly I'm a Klansman.
DeleteTennessee: Yeah, you're probably a Klansman..
DeleteJust like you're into chicken buggery
Delete"Under state law, a person with a concealed pistol is subject to immediate seizure of the weapon if they are caught with any amount of alcohol in their system.
ReplyDeleteTheir concealed pistol permit can be revoked for up to one year if the blood-alcohol content is between .02 and .07, up to three years if between .08 and .09, and permanently revoked for .10 and higher.
In Taylor's case, the charges surrounding the concealed pistol were dismissed and it was never referred to the county's concealed weapons board for action, the Ionia County District Court administrator said."
Jade, you forgot this part. Charges were dismissed. My guess is some sort of plea deal. It seems pretty straight forward if you blow a certain level on a breathalyzer, you get a certain punishment.
No, what seems pretty straightforward is that many so-called lawful gun owners are really hidden criminals thanks to the plea bargaining system.
DeleteYou should look up what "many" means, Mikeb.
DeleteIn this debate, many means too fucking many. You think as long as you can translate it into a small enough fraction or decimal, it's all OK. It's not.
DeleteMikeb, we allow all kinds of dangerous things to be done because life is better for them. There are acceptable levels of risk. It's not always pretty, but the world that would have to exist to eliminate the ugliness would be far worse.
Deletessg: As we both know, cases are often plead down to save money and time. Setting aside whether this is right or not, it is a reality. And that reality means that folks who were charged with felonies get off with misdemeanors. Which makes them the NRA's mythical "law-abiding citizen."
ReplyDeleteIn this case, Taylor caught a 'break' which allowed him to continue to tote his manhood around and, eventually, lead to a tragic incident.
You are correct Jade. Plea deals are a fact of life in the criminal justice realm. However, in fairness, people who have carry permits are much more law abiding than the general population. There is hard data to support that.
DeleteThis event doesn't make the fact that permit holders are more law abiding a myth.
Of course, I'm right--it's a gift.
DeleteThe point you continue to miss, though, is that the term "law-abiding" has been corrupted by the NRA. You can have a string of misdemeanor crimes on your record and still be "law-abiding."
Given the fact, many of these crimes may have been the result of plea deals, it only renders the term "law-abiding" more ludicrous. When one thinks of "law-abiding", one should think about folks who've never been arrested or convicted of any crime.
Jade, being right is a gift you've never received. But seeing what you claim here, that comes as no surprise.
Deletess, now that Jadegold has so clearly explained that "law-abiding" as a term is just about meaningless, you should stop pushing that nonsense about concealed carry guys being more law-abiding than other groups. They're not.
DeleteAs I've said on another thread, my claim that permit holders are more law abiding is supported by hard data collected for almost ten years (so far) by the state government in Minnesota,
And Texas has posted data from his state. And on and on. Mikeb, given the total number of gun owners, if "many" of us were criminals or unfit persons, everyone in this country would be dead. Given the number of carry license holders, our crime rate would be hugely inflated if your side were right.
DeleteIf the very meaning of law-abiding is corrupt, then your data is also.
DeleteNo, Mikeb, you're not going to get away with twisting the language all out of its meaning. Most people are law-abiding. That doesn't mean that every one of them never from time to time commits an indiscretion, but people generally follow the rules. Your vindictiveness applies only to firearms. You show a great deal of tolerance otherwise.
DeleteSo long as the definition of “law-abiding” is applied equally to both CCW holders and non-CCW holders, then the point remains valid. You want a broader definition? Ok, so now there are twice as many criminal CCW holders, and twice as many criminals in the general population. So what? Greg (and others) have been making the point that CCW holders are more law abiding than everyone else, and that would still stand.
DeleteWhat kind of fight would have happened, if neither of them had a gun? These permit holding good guys, just came out shooting! No attempt at any other choice. I find it hard to believe either of them would be dead, if neither of them had a gun. Again, reality shows the NRA gun loons, to be looney!
ReplyDeleteAgreed. Chances are neither would have stopped were it not that each felt he could intimidate the other with their manhood proxies. They'd probably just flipped each other off and went about their business.
DeleteThe only thing that matters is that two gunwacks are dead. All else is commentary. 2 down, 999,998 to go. Every time a gunwack is killed, I dance a little jig. And the wife knew that the gunwack had the gun. No sympathy for her.
ReplyDeletePlease rid us of your callous commentary, you despicable waste of time.
DeleteTwo days later, and it gets better. One of the gunsucks had his gun permits removed several years ago, and got them back in time to kill the other gunsuck.
DeleteThe only good gunsuck is a dead gunsuck.
Every gunwack is a gun murder incident waiting to happen. There are no innocents. Every gunwack is a blinding rage away from this.
ReplyDeleteCCW is not about rights or self-defense. It's about enforcing your beliefs on others.
ReplyDeleteWell damn, isn't that what you anti-gun loons are doing...enforcing your beliefs on others?
I took the training, jumped through all the hoops and went through the NCIS background check to get my CCW. I carry because I can...it's one of the rights enshrined in the constitution, just as you have the right not to carry.
You even have the right to bitch about it, just as I have the right to tell you you're crazy as a shit house rat.
DeleteThe right to carry is not mentioned in the 2nd amendment, at all.
DeleteNor does it mention specific guns, ammunition, or other accessories.
Which means either a State, or federal legislature can pass laws approving, or not, of such items.
DeleteVery recently the seventh circuit and the Illinois state Supreme Court have ruled that there is a right to carry outside the home, albeit with reasonable restrictions. And illinois recently was forced to implement a carry permit system due to the ruling by the seventh circuit.
Right, and either through legislation, or the courts each issue will have to be decided. That also means it is not unconstitutional to make illegal (ban) such items/issues.
DeleteAs Jim already mentioned, "I carry because I can...it's one of the rights enshrined in the constitution" is total bullshit.
DeleteActually Mike, the cases put the right to carry on the same level as rights determined by the Heller and McDonald cases. There can be reasonable restrictions, but not a total ban. That is why Moore vs Madigan was heard, to challenge illinois's lack of a carry permit system, the result was the state being required to enact a carry permit system,
DeleteJim, please define the word, bear. And don't mention any shaggy animals.
DeleteFor an NRA looney professor you really should get a dictionary. You don't know the definition of "push
Delete' and twice in this thread have asked for word definition. A sorry reply to the issue and proof your stand has no validity.
Jim, you're being deceptive here. You used the word "push" to mean sell. You can weasel out of that if you wish, but that's what your sentence implied. That's how I interpreted your meaning. Big deal.
DeleteIn the case of the Second Amendment, we have the word "bear." I'm asking you how you interpret that word. It matters a great deal more than the preceeding example because "bear" appears in a legal document.
Fake NRA professor, you lie.
DeleteYOU said I meant "sell." I told you what I meant, and you still lie. YOU interpret, what a fucking joke, since I proved you lied.
Still waiting for you to answer my questions, Jim.
DeleteIt means you like to run around naked shooting off your gun. Shooting at a photographer trying to take your picture, which you have said is a reason to use deadly force.
DeleteDo any of Jim's comments make sense to anyone?
DeleteRead fake professor Greg's NRA comments about acceptable death and anarchy. Now that's reasonable speaking HA HA HA HA HA HA