Sunday, September 15, 2013

The Last Hand Gun On Earth

Take an old movie serial, add a new voice over by the Firesign Theatre and you have some very funny stuff.  In this case, the gun loon’s nightmare: Big Brother’s henchmen come for the last handgun on earth.

“To think people used to sleep with these things under their pillows.”


  1. I'd like to see the take on the last NRA gun loon on Earth. Make it Greg the fake professor, but true NRA gun loon.

    1. When you stop lying, someone might take you seriously.

    2. No one takes you (professor(?) seriously, and you have been on this site trying to convince people of your lies for a long time. Now back to your world of lawlessness and anarchy which you support and have stated so just recently. Traitor.

    3. I'm still waiting for you to prove that I've lied. No one on your side seems able to do that.

    4. The proof is in your everyday comments. Reading them is the proof.
