Saturday, September 21, 2013

Lawful California Gun Owner Shoots Through the Door During his Eviction - One Wounded

SF Gate

A 42-year-old man being evicted by Contra Costa County sheriff's deputies shot through the front door of a foreclosed home in an upscale gated community just outside San Ramon on Wednesday, hitting the property manager in the leg, before surrendering after a standoff, authorities said.
The incident began shortly before 2 p.m. at 3497 Ashbourne Circle in the Norris Canyon Estates development west of San Ramon, authorities said.
Sheriff's deputies, the property manager and a locksmith arrived at the home to evict the resident, but no one responded when the deputies repeatedly knocked on the door, said Jimmy Lee, a spokesman for the Contra Costa County sheriff's office, which patrols the unincorporated area.
As the locksmith began drilling out the lock, Lee said, someone fired shots through the closed front door of the five-bedroom, $1.6 million home, hitting the property manager in the leg.


  1. 1. The source made no mention of this man being a lawful gun owner. But given the Obama economy, surely you can feel sorry for him.

    2. After all, he was only doing what Joe Biden told him to do.

    3. But this being a slave state, you are responsible for his actions.

    1. Everyone on both sides of the argument criticized Biden for his stupid remarks. Why do you keep repeating it?

    2. For the same reason that your side keeps bringing up Mark Kessler.

  2. What a bunch of garbage from the NRA fake professor. Real serious comments about a near death situation.

    1. Jim,

      Are you really Kevin? I mean, you seem to have developed the same pathological desire to respond to all of Greg's comments and most of mine with invective, hanging on to past incidents you've chalked up as "victories"--e.g. your constant references to Greg "defending the deaths of children" is reminiscent of Kevin's constant blather about "dead child jokes" which was a similar twisting of comments.

    2. Oh, and Greg who comments on every comment I make, calls me names, calls me a liar (just as you do) is not an ass? YES, he is and so are you. Not my fault I have "victories" as you put it; it's easy to make loony extremists look bad. I finally got both of you to admit gun control has worked in American history, so at least that bullshit lie is put to bed.

    3. Actually, I said that it was police work and fighting the outlaw gangs that worked in the old West rather than the restrictions on carry.

      Additionally, regulations on carry are a different variety of gun control than banning various models of guns, creating hurdles to ownership, etc.

    4. I'm pretty confident Jim and Kevin are the same person. They both have the same tone and the same distain for Greg and Tennessean. Jim came on right went Kevin left, and the biggest tell is they both use a question mark inside of parenthesis (?) mid-sentance to draw question to the validity of a word.

    5. Jim, you shouldn't lie when complaining about being called a liar. I never did admit what you claimed here. I said gun control has been tried. I never said it worked.

    6. You ALWAYS say gun control does not work; and everyone reading this site knows it.
      Poor attempt at a lie.

    7. Can you boys stop your petty bickering for a fucking minute and comment on the post. The guy fired through the door, for crissake. If he'd been an illegal gun owner that would have been part of the story, therefore it's safe to assume he was another one of you lawful gun owners who does dangerous shit.

      Do you condemn him for his actions or not? Should he receive a slap on the wrist or something stronger for what he did?

    8. I already commented a bit on that. As someone who cares for the little guy, I feel for the home owner more than the power of government exercised against him. In this present economy, we can expect more of these incidents in the future if things don't improve. Mikeb, as a good leftist, you should be on the home owner's side here.

    9. NRA Greg defending attempted homicide. NRA Greg really hates the police and the law.

    10. Just because we both think you are an NRA lying jack ass, we must be the same person. What a joke. I could get a 100 guys to say the same thing after reading your NRA garbage.

    11. That's funny... Nobody said anything about Steve being the same person- it was about Kevin and Jim. Hmmm.

      Yesterday must have been laundry day. You got your sock puppets all mixed up now.

    12. I'd been wondering about the same thing.

    13. Steve hadn't been around much, so I'd forgotten about him.

    14. Is there even on pro-gun guy around here who condemns shooting through doors? What the hell is wrong with you guys? Is this some kind of twisted loyalty to your cause?

    15. Yes, Mike, we don't like people shooting through doors. You can't see your target, don't know what's behind it, and this was an inappropriate use of force given the information here. That wasn't the topic of this subthread in the comments.

    16. I condem shooting through doors. I didnt think I needed to say that, but there you go.

  3. TN's comment:

    "And what laws? The only things I can think of as examples are Tombstone banning carry within the town. They didn't ban guns, just stopped carry for a while because they were having too many shootings."

    Banning carry IS a gun control method, and it worked.

    You said nothing about police, gangs, or the other BS in your comment.

    1. The very next sentence from that comment of mine:

      "If memory serves, the banning of carry only served to bring the issue to a head, and it was the removal of the criminal element that eventually brought peace to the town."

      In other words, the carry ban just stirred the pot and caused the O.K. Corral incident when the new law was promptly ignored by the outlaws, and it was that gunfight and all that followed it that cleaned up the West, not the posting of "No Weapons" signs.

      If you're going to lie about what I say, it might be best not to be so specific that I can pull a quote and prove you wrong.

    2. If you study the matter of the Earps and company, it becomes less clear who was in the right. But hey, no law enforcement officer could ever violate the rights of a citizen, surely.

    3. I'll take a LEO over some gunsuck with delusions of importance, which is the entire universe of gunsucks.

    4. Anonymous is such a compliant sheep.

    5. What? No response, Jim?

      No apology for chopping up my comment and lying about its content?

  4. The ego and paranoia of you loons is laughable. That's right I'm Kevin (whoever the hell that is) I'm anon, etc., etc.. There is only one guy in the world who thinks you are insulting, ass hole gun loons. That's me so I post under 6, or 7 ID's. HA HA HA Like I said laughable. Do you think I'm afraid of you, so I must hide my ID, that's even more laughable. Bring it on gun loon ass holes. I give you the same insulting treatment you give me, and you can't handle it. Cowards! Now strap your gun to your body, so you can go to Starbucks just to get a cup of coffee, cowards.

  5. TN said,

    "Additionally, regulations on carry are a different variety of gun control than banning various models of guns, creating hurdles to ownership, etc."

    I have never even implied much less said that I agreed with banning guns. I am a gun owner. I don't agree with banning guns. I only believe it's idiots like you, who have no care for even a single life, should not have guns. You are the ones that scare the public into wanting and needing gun control.

  6. Some people think the idea of civil society is to walk in public without a gun, even though they can and would if they had to. But as you clowns keep telling us crime is way down, so what are you afraid of gun loon boys? It's safer in America now, than ever before, by your own words.

    1. Crime is down in cities and states where concealed carry is allowed. In cities and states, ( not too many of those left.) with more extreme gun control laws, crime is still the same or has gone up.

    2. Jim, you toss out the term, coward, freely, but you have yet to explain under what circumstances you carry.

    3. There is no evidence that guns are related to crime levels in any sense. The entire area has been politicized, and getting accurate stats is impossible. Gunsucks routinely lie about DGUs. Politicians won't allow certain stats to be compiled. Cops manipulate big city stats to get more officers or gild their own lily.

    4. The National Academy of Sciences being noted for lying and sloppy methodology? I don't think so.

    5. You guys keep making shit up. Hemenway published the definitive report on guns and violence against women. He showed that where there are more guns, more women die from domestic violence. TS should love it because the report didn't say that in high gun states more women die from gun violence, but more women die, period.

      But, you guys ignore that and keep harping the nonsense that there's no connection. And of course, what's to worry, crime is going down anyway, right?

    6. Once again, you remind us that you accept an article as credible only if it comes to a conclusion that you like.
