In case you missed it, last week Funny or Die produced a video in which comedian Sarah Silverman, among others, facetiously advocated for a black NRA.
What these black gun owners are purposely overlooking is that almost all the guns used by criminals start out the legal property of some lawful gun owner. Through various means these guns slip into the criminal world. The NRA is the great champion of the so-called freedoms that allow that gun flow to continue unabated, and naturally the gun manufacturers love it.
Sarah Silverman's video rightly links the NRA with the terrible scourge of black on black gun crime. The NRA, and by extension, all gun-rights supporters, are responsible for the gun availability that is contributing to that national disgrace.
For me, this whole thing was worth it to see Colion get on his soap box with all the exaggerated indignation he could muster. His video was a riot of so many sarcastic references by a wannabe Republican mocking liberals than no one could follow it all. I'm sure this one will get him plenty of attaboys from the real conservatives and hidden racists who love to prove they're not.
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"hidden racist who love to prove they're not"
ReplyDeleteThat's a good one. Even when people don't act like racist, they're really racists who are just pretending not to be.
Many of them are.
DeleteMikeb's Definitions
ReplyDeleteBlack Republican = Fake Republican
White Racist Republican = Real Conservative
Kinda reminds me of the time I heard a couple of white progressive students refer to Clarence Thomas as an Oreo.
Interesting how progressives get to say horribly racist things, but aren't racists, but WE're the racists for liking people based on their beliefs, regardless of whether they're a Caucasian, an Italian, or an African American.
Yeah, and you love it when gun-rights supporters ignore the 800 pound gorilla in the room. Because of lax gun laws, young black men in the ghettos of America, the land of the free, are armed to the teeth. There's a direct link between the lawful manufacturers and sellers of guns and the drug criminals and gang members who are killing each other with them. And you support that, which is why you're partially responsible for it. You should be proud.
DeleteNo, Mikeb, those young men in the ghetto make bad choices. Those bad choices are promoted by a culture gone very wrong. A lot of that derives from the meddlesome actions of do-gooders from outside. Guns are a symptom of the problem, not the cause.
DeleteAnd since a good deal of the bad choices involve using or selling illegal drugs that come from other countries, why is it again that you think these young ghetto men would have any trouble also importing guns?
Changing the subject from your comment that a black guy can't be a REAL Republican?
DeleteOne of their bad choices is the worship of guns as a problem solver. Something the NRA openly promotes.
DeleteMike, the Zonation video was factual in its description of the NRA arming blacks for self defense in the democratically controlled south. I too get tired of people saying stupid stuff, then when people call them on it as in it being offensive, they throw down the "I'm an entertainer" card to get out of saying offensive or just plain wrong stuff.
ReplyDeleteI heartily applaud Ms Silverman making what she thought was a humerous video, it just turned out not to be funny. Perhaps she should take some lessons from Cosby or Rock.
I thought it was pretty funny and contained a powerful message, which you pretend you didn't get.
Deletess, I never could stand Cosby, but Chris Rock is brilliant.
DeleteColion Noir and those other guys nailed it. It's too bad you missed the point. Watch those again. And again. The point that both are making is that it's the racists on the left who believe that people must be separated into groups to make them easier to control. It's the racists on the left who can't stand the idea of anyone making his own way, rather than being dependent on government. And it's the racists on the left who want to disarm everyone, minorities especially.
ReplyDelete"Racists on the left" is just another silly attempt on your part assign what you're guilty of to your opposition. It's transparent and silly, but you don't have much else.
DeleteProve to me that I'm racist, or stop lying about me.