Thursday, April 19, 2012

Josh Horwitz on the NRA Hypocrisy

Two Wrongs Don't Make a Right on Huffington Post.

At last week's National Rifle Association (NRA) Annual Meeting in St. Louis, Congressman Darrell Issa (R-CA) expressed anger about how "lawless individuals are using weapons ill-gotten."

Rep. Issa WASN'T talking about George Zimmerman, who had a track record of domestic abuse and had been arrested for assaulting a cop prior to shooting unarmed teen Trayvon Martin. Instead, Rep. Issa was ranting about his favorite topic: ATF's misguided "Fast and Furious" operation and Attorney General Eric Holder.
I admit I haven't followed the blow-by-blow of the Zimmerman case, pretty much the same way I've had more than enough of the "Fast and Furious" coverage, but this is the first time I've heard about Zimmerman's past record of domestic abuse and having been arrested for assaulting a cop. Wow.

What's your opinion? Please leave a comment.


  1. Being arrested for something and being convicted of something are 2 separate animals.

    Are you familiar with the American Justice system?

  2. There's also a big difference between one person whose case has yet to be tried and an administration that has yet to come clean on a serious screwup. The difference? One man, whether right or wrong, affects the lives of individuals. If he has influence, he affects a number more. But a president and an administration affect the whole nation.

    Mikeb, I've invited you to see the civil liberties side of the gun rights argument before, and I'll do it again. Your statements here lead me to believe that you don't trust the government any more than we do. Why can't you see that trusting one party over the other makes no sense? Both are in it for their own gain. Neither deserves unrestrained or even large control over our lives.

    1. It's true that I hate the government, believe it or not. But my idea of proper gun control is not to hand over unbridled power to the fed. You'll see in a couple years when Obama replaces a couple of those old relics on the Court and things change.

    2. But then what will enforce the gun laws that you want? Wishful thinking? Sorry, but the only realistic way for your proposals to work is to give much more power to the government.

  3. "Both are in it for their own gain"? Both of who?

    You and your gunzloonzpalz love to forget that Weenie LaPierre is fronting for the GMM*. Follow the money.

    * Gunz Manufacturers of MurKKKa

    1. Democommie, I'm going to give you a lesson about the English language, and I won't even charge you. Both is a demonstrative adjective, being used in the same manner as a pronoun here. It obviously refers to the noun used in the previous sentence, namely the political parties. Do try to learn some more before you criticize my writing.

  4. Greg - that was the douchiest comment I've seen here in a while.

    orlin sellers

  5. Oh great, now someone is using my name.
    Greg, the preceding post was not me.
    orlin sellers

  6. Anonymous, please stop using my name. 8:31 comment was not me.
    orlin sellers

  7. To the real Orlin Sellers, thanks for letting us know. I don't blame you for what others do in your name.

    To the contemptable fool who is stealing another's name: Grow some courage and speak in your own voice, or shut the fuck up.

  8. Thank you, Greg. Some people just want to lower the level of discourse here.
    orlin sellers

  9. I see this going downhill really fast. Do we really want to go down the road where we start spoofing others names (real or online)? Think about that for a while before you continue your childishness.
