Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Newt Goes Global with the 2nd Amendment


  1. mikeb302000:

    It's always good to see Newturd (and have the ability to not LISTEN to his bullshit). His pandering to the NRA and Pro-killing adherents demonstrates a couple of things.

    The first is that both he and the NRA are pretty hard up if that's their idea of "hot date".

    Second, and more importantly, Newturd's bit about exporting the 2nd amendment worldwide demonstrates one of the gunzloonz memes that most of us don't think about enough, their absurd belief that they are exceptional in some way.

    The Birchers, their bastard child, the U.S. Tea Party--in its numerous iterations--, the KKK, various neo-nazi groups and other organizations dedicated to the proposition that white men are just, well, better than others are all "informed" by the idea of their "exceptionalism".

    In some ways they are, truly, exceptional. They are exceptionally jingoistic. They are exceptionally paranoic. They are exceptionally racist. They are exceptionally anti-semitic, anti-choice, anti-gay, and anti-woman. They are exceptionally tribal. They are exceptionally anti-democratic, anti-liberal, anti-science and anti-government. They are exceptionally--and nearly exclusively--RWA leaning.

    That these forms of "exceptionalism" are actually extremism is lost on them or--for the more self-aware in their midst, vigorously denied.

    Newturd has demonstrated, innumerable times in his public life that he is a lying fuckweasel. I can certainly see him being a good friend of Lapierre le Pew.

    1. Wow Demmo, I was there and I totally missed the part where Newt said we should export the 2nd Amendment only to white countries. Where was that at in the speech?

  2. Oh, did I specify, "White countries, only"?, gosh, no, I did not.

    The reality is that mostathem non-white led countries alread haz teh gunz out the ass (think most of Africa, SW Asia, the Phillipines and such). Oddly enough, except for interncine guerilla warfare that indiscriminately kills combatants and non-combatants with out making any distinction between them and the retaliation by massively upgunned authoritarian gummints (which folks like Colt, Armalite, FLN and the rest of the gunzworld's manufacturers are busily vying to supply) there isn't much in the way of crime prevention goin' on. The rape,murder,lootin' and shootin' just get called terrorism instead of crime.

  3. Gingrich is being a little theatrical in his comments, since there are places countries with private ownership of guns and dictators, but his principle is sound. A right is a right. It's not dependent on race or culture or nation. His proposal would fail, of course, thanks to the biases of the United Nations, but it would be good for us to challenge said organization's Kumbaya chorus.

    1. No, the priniciple is not sound, it's lunacy.

      Even in the United States, the 2A is obsolete and meaningless. Exporting it to the rest of the world because it protects a human right is hilarious. The only thing funnier is that you guys and the nodding heads at the NRA convention take it seriously.

    2. I realize that the United Nations would never pass this, but it would be fun to raise it. Rights without teeth are just so much talk, as the United Nations demonstrates daily.

    3. I shows what a lyin' sleazy politician Newt is. He knows such a thing is beyond the realm of possibility but he preaches it as if it's not.

    4. You say that as though it makes him unique.

  4. The Nut Gingrich keeps missing - as do the other gun nuts - that the rest of the world has rejected their position on having guns.

    They don't have them because they don't want them and because they reject the delusional gun fantasy that drive the gun nuts.

    No one except the NRA wants to be like Somalia (only white).

    I add the 'only white' part because the most rabid 2n A assholes are conservatives. It was conservatives who yet again at CPAC 2012 welcomed white supremacists, including giving a blogging award to a woman who shares the views of mass murderer Ander Breivik about preserving western white culture!!! In the mix were those who want to see the dominance of whites who are protestant decendant of western europeans.

    The Nut was there, appearing with and gladhanding those very white supremacist. At the ame time, CPAC banned the gays, as apparently a bad influence and contrary to right wing values. Hate yes, tolerance NO.

    Racists and gun nuts; they do go together alarmingly well.

  5. If you get curious about those scary overlaps between CPAC and Ander Breivik's defense in court, I have written about it a couple of times now over on Penigma.

    I wonder if Anders Breivik is one of those that Newt was so eager to arm in his effort to take more guns global? He must be so desperate for money he's looking for donations from gun nuts and gun manufacturer. (like they don't export enough death already)

    1. Man those Scandahovians are a racist bunch of fuckers aren't they....

    2. Anders will be the enshrined hero to many, and not just Scandinavians.

  6. "Gingrich is being a little theatrical in his comments, since there are places countries with private ownership of guns and dictators, but his principle is sound. A right is a right. It's not dependent on race or culture or nation"

    Gingrich is a fucking clown. He, like your hero, Teddy Teabagger, is an serial adulterer and huckster. As dog gone points out, those countries without teh gunz filling them to overflowing are like that because they want to be.

    Please, please, please bring up the idiotic meme about the jews being slaughtered because they had no gunz. That "argument" is the pinata of teh burnin' stoopit.

    1. Democommie, where'd you get the idea that Ted Nugent is my hero? He's not. He does happen to be on my side with regard to guns, but beyond that, I don't really care. I try to know little about the lives of musicians and other artists, as it feels like none of my business. You're the one who keeps mentioning the person rather than the idea.

  7. "I try to know little about the lives of musicians and other artists, as it feels like none of my business"

    Well, wtf are you doing making statements like this one:

    "So your comment is to quote an article by Nugent about how he's been clean and sober for decades and then declare him to be an asshole? You declared him to have committed a number of sexual improprieties, but you quote his position on using chemicals. Are you suggesting that anyone who opposes using drugs or alcohol is an asshole? That is the effect of your comments. The implication is that you support the use of the same. Alcohol I can understand, but illegal drugs?

    But if you can't think of leftist stars who say wild things about candidates that they favor, you haven't been paying attention. Do a little reading about Alec Baldwin, for example."

    Do you not know anything about Teddy Teabagger or not? If you know about the clown and you rely on his support for your pet fetish then you're an idiot. If you DON'T know anything about him, why act as if you do?

    BTW, let me know when you find a clip of Alec Baldwin waving a couple of fucking gunz around and saying, "Hey Obama, suck on this..." ( Yeah, Alec Baldwin is JUST LIKE Teddy Teabagger. What do you smoke, it's gotta be a lot worse than crack?

    1. Democommie,

      1. You don't recall the discussion over whether Alec Baldwin threatened to leave the United States if W. won? Have your memory checked.

      2. Did I claim to know anything much about Nugent? I referred to your comment. I was criticizing your comment. I don't care about Nugent.

  8. "1. You don't recall the discussion over whether Alec Baldwin threatened to leave the United States if W. won? Have your memory checked."

    And that's equivalent to Teddy Teabagger saying that he'll be dead or in jail if Obama is president in November*?

    2. Did I claim to know anything much about Nugent? I referred to your comment. I was criticizing your comment. I don't care about Nugent.

    "So your comment is to quote an article by Nugent about how he's been clean and sober for decades and then declare him to be an asshole? You declared him to have committed a number of sexual improprieties, but you quote his position on using chemicals. Are you suggesting that anyone who opposes using drugs or alcohol is an asshole? That is the effect of your comments. The implication is that you support the use of the same. Alcohol I can understand, but illegal drugs?"

    So, you accept Teddy Teabagger's self-report on his sobriety--without checking to see if it's backed up by others? IOW, if it looks good you're all over it, regardless if it's true? Thanks for confirming my opinion of you as a credulous gunzloon.

    * N.B. Obama will be president in November, rerardless the outcome the 2012 election. Poor Teddy, I hope he has a toothbrush and some Astroglide in his dopp kit.

    1. Democommie, I can critique your comment about Nugent without having to know anything about Nugent. I keep telling you that I don't care about Nugent. I pointed out that your comment called him a disparaging term just because he claimed not to use substances. You offered no evidence; you merely gave snide remarks.
