I would rather be expressing something which I find to be true and beneficial to society than go with the herd.
Which takes me out of the class "Sheeple" since that implies a person who unquestioningly goes along with the herd.
In fact, Robert Ferrago said to me in a comment something along the line that I should give up and go along with the consensus.
Yes, I should agree with something that I have investigated and found wrong because everyone else believes it.
I have made a couple of posts about dumbed down citizens and people who believe patently false things--that would place me in that group.
I've also mentioned the argumentum ad populum (argument to the people, or everybody believe it's true) fallacy. I would be engaging in fallacious thinking.
While some might call me a pseudo-intellectual (which shows they have never met me and don't know me), it would be far more in character of a pseudo-intellectual to go with something which sounds good, but doesn't withstand scrutiny.
Personally, I don't know how you can feel intellectually superior when you are expressing something which is so obviously wrong and false.
See also:
The dumb fuckers you write of here are NOT going to like this at all.