Saturday, January 8, 2011

In Case of Home Invasion, Would a Gun Help?

From the wonderful blog of Greg Laden, a man after my own heart.

Statistics and various studies show that yes, it might, but they also show that having a gun in the home is also potentially very dangerous, so the net aggregate outcome (and economists have strong armed us into thinking that net aggregate outcomes are the only criteria that are acceptable, bless their pointy heads) of having a gun in the home is that someone in your home is more likely to be shot and possibly killed than that the gun will be used to thwart a home invasion.
What's your opinion? Don't the same guys who say that home invasion is so likely that they need a gun, also say most gun violence is gang related? When we say there are too many legitimate gun owners doing bad things, they say it's not true, that most gun violence is drug and gang related. When we say you don't need a gun in the home,they say oh yes, the chances of home invasion by armed madmen is too high.

Sometimes I think the pro-gun guys just say anything they want. What do you think?

Please leave a comment.


  1. For your position to have any merit, you have to argue that it's legitimate and morally acceptable to make it disallow the most effective measures against certain threats, if those threats are deemed (deemed by, presumably, the same entity entity that's doing the disallowing) sufficiently unlikely.

    I utterly reject that morally and intellectually bankrupt line of thinking, and will equip myself and my family for our security as I see fit.

    You don't like it? Molon labe, baby.

    I'm waiting . . .

  2. . . . you have to argue that it's legitimate and morally acceptable to make it disallow the most effective measures against certain threats . . .

    Oops--the "make it" wasn't supposed to be there. Changed the wording, but forgot to change that part.

  3. In addition to calling 9-11, if someone violently broke into my own home, I would like to have a shotgun to protect myself and my family.

  4. Zorro, No one is telling you can't have a gun if you want one, or even that you shouldn't. Why do you keep arguing against things that you pretend we're saying.

    What I'm saying is guns do more harm than good. If you want to pretend that you're keeping your family safer by owning guns, that makes perfect sense to me It's just another part of your elaborate fantasy world. The fact is you and your family are worse off. But, as you say, it's your call. I have no argument with that.
