Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Bully Behavior of the Gun-Rights Fanatics

via 2nd Amendment, Shooting and Firearms Blog

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  1. The guy who put up the sign is a complete asshole.

    I'm pretty sure that he would get along famously with most of the gunzloonz who comment here. After all, he's just exercising his divine right to be a gunzloon and a complete asshole.

    Oh, btw, if his neighbor were to be killed it would be a double bonus for the asshole gunzloon. He would be rid of a troublesome neighbor and he could say, "SEE, SEE what happens when you don't haz teh gunz.".

    But, really, mikeb302000, I think your calling him a bully is a step too far. He's really just a frightened child, albeit a large, frightened fucking asshole of a child wit teh gunz. Be vewy, vewy cefful, you might make him cwy.

    1. Democommie, I didn't realize that you are Welsh. Interesting.

  2. Would you accuse this person of bullying if he put a campaign sign in his yard that disagreed with his neighbor's position? But if you look at the source, you'll see that the neighbor advocates against guns. If the neighbor is going to do that, why doesn't the owner of the sign have the right to respond?

    Of course, it could all be a fake. It is a good joke to illustrate the differences in our positions.

    1. No, Greg, this is more like accessory before the fact of a break-in or worse.

  3. It looks fake to me - the words are too clear compared to the rest of the picture. Looks like photoshop to me.

    1. Yep, fake. Not surprised to see who was duped.

  4. "Would you accuse this person of bullying if he put a campaign sign in his yard that disagreed with his neighbor's position? But if you look at the source, you'll see that the neighbor advocates against guns. If the neighbor is going to do that, why doesn't the owner of the sign have the right to respond?"

    As I said in my earlier comment, the asshole who put the sign in his yard will find common cause with folks like you and your gunzloonzpalz. What the idiot has done is put up an ad for burglars or home invaders. Of course the true irony would be if his neighbor has a good security system--and HE doesn't--so, the bad guyz come into HIS house, catch him napping and kill him and anyone else there with their own gunz. OTOH, that would be sortofa win for you clownz--then you could piss and moan about the crimnulz bein' loose'n'all.

  5. Gun fanatics are too simple minded to have an intelligent conversation, they seldom tell the truth, they are the lowest form of scum. That is the best I can say about the s.o.b.s .

  6. Gun fanatics are idiots and since they, along with the christian menace, run this country they are also murderers. I'll explain that statement because I know you stupid s.o.b.s can't understand otherwise. When you scare the gutless politicians into letting you have your way with the law or lack of it (no gun laws) and people are killed with guns YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE.
