Friday, May 4, 2012

SWAT Secret Weapon - Not a Gun

Web Pro News reports

SWAT team members have one of the most dangerous jobs there is, and while they take every available precaution to be safe, sometimes it’s just not enough. Riot gear and bullet-proof faceplates are helpful, but in some situations, more is called for. 

That’s where their new secret weapon comes in: the Recon Scout. Small, lightweight, and durable, the Scout looks a bit like a dumbbell with wheels. It features a robotic camera in the middle, and can be thrown through a window or into a room to give SWAT members a better view of the situation before they go in.
I thought kicking down doors and putting yourself in the line of fire was what it's all about for SWAT team members. I'll bet some of them don't like this thing at all.

What do you think? Please leave a comment.


  1. Having a picture of where the KKKcommieterrositKKKPERPoSKROTALBadGUYZ are helps cut down on the time it takes to shoot them.

    (how was my DC immitation?)

  2. "I thought kicking down doors and putting yourself in the line of fire was what it's all about for SWAT team members."

    Why don't you interview some actual SWAT members and post the exchange here, you stupid twat?

  3. "(how was my DC immitation?)"

    You need to be careful, you can hurt yourself doing that. 'sides, Greg Camp will be gettin' allupinyoregrill, noi'msane?

    "Why don't you interview some actual SWAT members and post the exchange here, you stupid twat?"

    Ooooh, somebody's being testy.

    IF SWAT teams weren't known to have executed "No knocks" at the wrong address, terrorizing innocent parties and trashing their domiciles AND killing family pets out of fear/rage/stupidity then people's perceptions of them might not include those markers.

    I know cops, I know that they often have no real choice in how to deal with the bad guys. The recent shooting of five officers in Greenland, NH is a stark example of what happens when idiotz, wit teh gunz AND some sort of mental health issue, decide to go all Armageddon on the authorities.

    I'd rather have the SpecopsCops use the robocam and their brains to decide which entries require what degree of force--before they hurt innocent people or turn a bad situation into a worse one.

  4. "I'd rather have the SpecopsCops use the robocam and their brains to decide which entries require what degree of force--before they hurt innocent people or turn a bad situation into a worse one."

    We certainly agree there. It's mikeb who thinks it's ridiculous because SWAT members WANT to go in every building guns blazing.

  5. I guess you guys are right. Swat like special forces military attracts only level-headed readonable guys. Cowboys need not apply.

    1. I can't speak for SWAT, but the cowboys generally get weeded out of SF during indoctrination training.


    2. Yeah, sure they do. That's why special forces guys are all meek and mild types, that's why none of them become professional mercenaries after.

  6. Mikeb, if you're ever in danger, please don't call the police. I'm sure Sarah Brady will be glad to come over and offer a non-violent solution. . .
